Did you know that around 75 percent of people who perform an internet search find exactly what they are looking for on the first search engine result page? That means most people do not bother going past the first page of results on search engines.
With that said, online marketing greatly helps companies gain valuable exposure to the consumer market. Things like white label SEO, social media marketing, mobile website optimization and website design can greatly influence the way a consumer looks at a particular company, and as such, many companies invest heavily in their internet marketing solutions.
One heavily prominent internet marketing technique used regularly is social media marketing. About 94 percent of social media marketers actually track their fans and followers, and social media marketing offers a unique perspective on internet marketing. Creating a social media account is free, and it allows people to post feedback on the company’s social media page. Though typically companies answer or respond to less than a third of feedback, the fact remains that the opportunity for customers to give their opinion on a company is rather unique and helpful for the company as well.
SEO leads actually have a 14.6 percent close rate, which contrasts rather attractively with outbound leads like print advertising, which have a close rate of a paltry 1.7 percent. Because people are connecting to the internet more often and via more devices, like smartphones and tablets, consumers are more informed than ever. As such, brick and mortar stores are facing competition from online retailers like never before.
A little over six tenths of smartphone owners actually shop online using their mobile devices. Small businesses might not gain the most business, but through the use of white label SEO, they can get a solid marketing strategy planned for them. White label SEO works in the manner that a company has marketing services provided for them, but the marketing company does the branding and strategizing, rather than the original client company. This is extremely helpful for small businesses, who benefit more from spending time concentrating on business related activities.