Rather than look for free SEO tips blogs, or even going so far as to buy a best SEO tips and tricks book, check out below. The following is a collection of the best top 10 SEO tricks that have been collected in 2013. So bust out the pen and paper and take notes. Again, the top 10 seo tricks of 2013.
1. Analytics
You should be constantly checking how your site is doing. Using Google Analytics allows you to see just what is working for your site, and what needs to be changed. It offers room for real-time adjustment.
2. Hyperlinks
By adding hyperlinks that contain your main keywords, you are doing two things. You are making your keywords more relevant, and providing that much needed link back to your site.
3. and 4. Images and Videos
By including keywords into the titles and alt-texts of videos and keywords, you are drawing the crowd in with alternative media and getting them to interact with your keywords yet again.
5. Text Style
It is amazing what the simple process of italicizing, underlining, or bold facing text can do. Try it with your keywords next time to grab the reader’s eye as they skim your piece.
6. and 7. Keywords and Ratio
Choose the right keywords for your situation. Do not fight for some that may not be that useful in the long run, when you can choose a handful that can do much more for you when combined. And do not throw your keywords about like candy. Use them conservatively, but wisely. You are looking for a ratio of about 3%, no more.
8. Phrasing
Avoid one or two-word phrases as keywords. If you are looking at phrasing, consider something unique and effective without being too overwhelmingly and blatantly SEO.
9. Coverage
Provide a news or press room area on your site. Not only will it show your readers that you are well informed and concerned with topical news, but it will also keep up to date content on your site for you. This increases your chances of having people come upon your site organically on a regular basis.
10. Content
Plain and simple, provide your readers with good, clean content that is updated regularly, and relevant.
See? SEO can be incredibly simple. Just follow those rules and you can be well on your way to internet success. Well, it is a start at least. The best SEO starts with a solid foundation.