Did you know that chiropractic doctors treat 30 million people every year? There are many reasons people decide to visit a chiropractor. The most common reason is to receive help with frequent back pain, as it is an issue over 26 million Americans deal with. If you are curious as to what ailments a chiropractor can assist with, here is a quick and informative three point list of several issues they can treat, and what some of the usual methods for treatment are.
1. Low back pain
Low back pain is usually caused when individuals stretch the muscles and ligaments in their back too far, causing tiny tissue tears. When these muscles are weakened, they are not as able to hold the spine in place as well, and this instability can cause back pain. What is the chiropractic treatment for low back pain? After doing an examination, chiropractors will sometimes recommend simple treatments such as applying heat or ice, or medication. Usually for treatment for back pain, they will make small, controlled, manual adjustments to your spine and joins in order to help reduce pain caused by instability.
2. Spinal injury treatment
There are several ways people receive spinal injuries. Usually, they are from falls, contact sports, or accidents. Spinal injury symptoms include difficulty controlling limbs, soreness, paralysis, stinging sensations, difficulty breathing, and more. A chiropractor will often treat this issue using meniscoid inclusion release, stimulation of joint mechanoreceptors, flexion distraction or other methods. Spinal injury symptoms often require a mix of chiropractic care, medication and physical therapy to solve.
3. Headaches
About 47 percent of adults experience headaches at least once a year, and about 10 percent of these individuals experience migraines. Many people are seeking relief from headaches and would prefer to find alternatives to simply using medication. Chiropractic treatment for headaches varies depending on the type and severity of headaches, but generally involves adjustments of the cervical and spine junction, and manipulation of the upper cervical vertebrae. A 2001 report issued by Duke University found that spinal manipulation usually resulted in immediate improvement for neck origin headaches, and had less side effects than the usual prescribed medications.
interesting! Ive been experiencing bad back pain for a while but massages and medication havent really been helping. i will look into this.
my aunt told me that she would never go to a chiropractor because she is a lawyer and shes had several patients who got their backs messed up from this
my aunt told me that she would never go to a chiropractor because she is a lawyer and shes had several patients who got their backs messed up from this
my aunt told me that she would never go to a chiropractor because she is a lawyer and shes had several patients who got their backs messed up from this
my aunt told me that she would never go to a chiropractor because she is a lawyer and shes had several patients who got their backs messed up from this
my aunt told me that she would never go to a chiropractor because she is a lawyer and shes had several patients who got their backs messed up from this