Sleep apnea is a serious disorder. As chronic sleep deprivation results in sleepiness, slow reflexes, poor concentration and an increased risk of accidents and sleep apnea results in chronic sleep deprivation, curing sleep apnea is a serious mission. There are CPAP machines, which are masks that go over the nose and mouth, but they can be bulky, clunky and annoying, leading to people seeking alternative cpaps.
Though the continuous positive airway pressure device is the major treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, there are other sleep apnea appliances for when you have a sleep apnea diagnosis. Interestingly, people who have sleep apnea can go on to develop diabetes or depression, and also face an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, among other concerns.
Men over the age of 40 are the most at risk for sleep apnea. Other than CPAP, however, one can undergo medical procedures such as rhinoplasty, or have their sinuses opened, or even undergo dental treatments for sleep apnea. There are also alternative medicine treatments for sleep apnea, but it is up to the person suffering from sleep apnea to decide what treatment they want. Read more: www.louisvillesleepapnea.com
Sleep apnea is one of the worst things that can afflict people. I used to suffer from it so badly, and it was so difficult to get a good night of sleep. I would sleep for eight hours, but end up in the morning still feeling exhausted.
Those big clunky, bulky machines work really well for treating sleep apnea, but only if you sleep alone and can handle that kind of bulk and stuff. Honestly, most people can though because sleep apnea is debilitating.
Those big clunky, bulky machines work really well for treating sleep apnea, but only if you sleep alone and can handle that kind of bulk and stuff. Honestly, most people can though because sleep apnea is debilitating.