Having an effective website can be a key part of your overall marketing plan. It does not seem so long ago that we entered the world of the Internet. In fact, it was only August 6, 1991 when the first website went live online. It is certain that this website looked a lot different than our current day sites. Only a few years later in 1995 both Amazon.com and eBay, originally known as Echo Bay made their premieres.
If you are considering a new manufacturer website, you probably know that we have come along way from the early days. We expect speed and quick loading pages. We no longer feel that we need to wait much longer than a couple of seconds for a page on a manufacturer website or a product website to completely load. In fact, 23 percent of online shoppers attribute dissatisfaction to slowly loading web pages.
Another advancement that has affected websites such as a manufacturer website is the use of smart phones and other mobile devices. Having a website that is optimized for mobile computing is very important. Approximately 72 percent of mobile browsers expect web pages to load as quickly or even faster than they do on desktop computers. Additionally, 74 percent of these users say they will wait 5 seconds for a page to load on a mobile device before they leave the site.
Creating an effective manufacturer website, or other type of company site, it is important to hire the best website design company you can. These professionals will help your manufacturer website with services such as custom website design, corporate branding and keyword research for SEO. They can also combine your manufacturer website with a Facebook marketing campaign so you will also have a presence on important social media platforms. A manufacturer website should also include an email marketing campaign. Your website company should be able to help you create and manage this essential part of your overall marketing effort.
Your manufacturer website, or any other type of website needs to have the best possible professionals designing and managing it. This way you will gain those customers you want from your manufacturer website.
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A full marketing plan for the Internet is much more than just a website.
A full marketing plan for the Internet is much more than just a website.
A full marketing plan for the Internet is much more than just a website.
A full marketing plan for the Internet is much more than just a website.
A full marketing plan for the Internet is much more than just a website.