More than 230 million U.S. residents 13 and older have a mobile phone and 65 million of those people own smartphones. As we all know, a pretty high percentage of those phones are iPhones. And as most of us are aware, these devices will be used not only for personal use but also for work. Thus, iPhone management protocols are very important today.
Without properly installed iPhone management protocols and other iphone security measures, a lot of data would be unprotected. And since a big chunk of that data is proprietary and therefore somewhat secret, protecting that data using mobile device management tools like patch management software is proving necessary on a large corporate scale. Through iPhone management tools like patch management, the 30 plus percent of people subscribing to mobile services today who use their devices for work functions can gain safer access to this information and can prevent their phones from being compromised if they become lost or get stolen.
Largely, corporations are taking it upon themselves to employ these iPhone management protocols because they allow these employee owned devices in the workplace. One such protocol is the Desktop Management Interface, or DMI, which is a framework that manages hardware and software components of a bring your own device model. This framework, along with several others like the Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES, algorithm, which is a data scrambling protocol developed in 1998 and adopted three years later as a U.S. government standard, are virtually impossible to break.
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