For those who love the thrill of riding horses, comfortable performance wear is a must. Having the right equipment and equestrian clothes is essential to performing well and looking great. Although riding a horse is a sport that requires many skills, what is truly paramount to the sport is protection of the rider and the horse at all times.
For example, horse riding helmets and horse riding gloves, available in a host of colors and sizes for men, women and children, are worn to protect the rider in any weather. They should be worn in accompaniment of equestrian clothes. A winter jacket should be worn in an unheated barn and outdoors in inclement weather because the wind against you can be fairly strong as you ride. It is also a good idea to put a winter blanket on your horse to ensure that the horse stays warm and comfortable in the cold weather. Horse and rider apparel can be both formal and informal, depending on the type of riding or showing you are doing.
While riding is not as common an activity as it once was, there are around 4.6 million people who continue to do it in the United States. The best kind of horse riding gear will allow both horse and rider to go out together safely. You want to avoid any possible injury on just about any count. And it is for this reason that horseback riding attire is essential for people who want to make sure that they can get their game together. Getting on a horse is something that just about everyone can learn to enjoy and having the right gear on the rider and the horse is the best place to start.
Of course, the most important piece of horseback riding gear is the saddle. The saddle is the seat upon which the rider sits. It is placed upon the back of the horse. While old Western movies may have shown cowboys hopping on horseback and chasing the bad guys into the sunset, the reality is much different. A saddle, either English or Western style, is essential.
Another important item you should have at the ready if you want to ride horses are a good pair of riding boots like paddock boots, tredstep boots or Ariat English riding boots. It is necessary to make sure that your riding boots fit you properly. A well made pair of riding boots should last you for a long time.
As far as equestrian clothes are concerned, there are a number of clothing items that you should invest in if you take riding seriously. Kerrits riding apparel is a well known maker of high quality riding attire. They make a lot of show clothing including riding jackets, show coats, and those famous Kerrits breeches. Kerrits breeches come in many different styles, colors and sizes.
Don’t wait to get the gear you need to look and feel your best as you ride a horse off into your own sunset. You won’t regret outfitting yourself, and your horse, in the most comfortable, and oft necessary, equipment and equestrian clothes.
It’s a better experience when you are well dressed and comfortable.