Productos agricolas de latinoamerica, or Latin American agricultural products, have a lot to offer the north American agricultural industry, and can do so in a language of enterprise which everyone can understand. In the past los productos agricolas de latinoamerica have brought the farmers and energy professionals of north American alternative fuel sources, harvested straight from sugar cane.
Getting to know some of the agricultural products Latin America has to offer can bolster agricultural practices right here at home. This interest in South American agriculture is not centrally focussed on the Brazilian use of sugar cane, rather it is the holistic approach to breaking down another powerful fiber that is making waves in agriculture. This fiber is most commonly applied as soy protein.
Soybean trading companies of the Americas have redefined the useful life of a soybean. For instance, cascarilla de soya, or soy husk which more commonly known in English as the soybean hull, has been developed to retain profitable nutrients and act as feed for livestock.
One of the first applications of soy hull was for the replacement of hay in winter diets. Many researchers have conducted livestock winter feeding experiments to determine the legitimacy of using soybean hull in place of hay as a winter feeding option. Over the course of these alternative feed experiments, some conclusive results were found. When feeding soy hull as a hay replacement, cows where seen as dropping less weight over the winter months than if they were fed hay alone. The supplementation of the soy hull also resulted in saving over $6 per cow. These findings proved to many that soybean hulls can be a viable option and even a profitable alternative to regular wintertime hay feed.
Soy hull as a corn substitute has shown fewer definitive results. However, these findings are due to the multiple means by which animals that are fed corn may be fed other nutrients. In all feed to feed comparisons, soy hull was shown as being equally viable as other forms of feed. As the development of these findings show, when looking to replace corn the cost benefit balance should be evaluated on an individual basis.
If you are looking of cut costs even further, looking for an agricultural trading company to deliver soy hull to your farm can save even more money. An international trading company should be seen as meeting all of your quality standards before being invested in. Once these alternative use soy bean suppliers have been vetted you can continue on feeding livestock with nutrients that is both cheeper and good for the animals.
Finally, you may not be speaking Spanish, but based on the quality of goods received your farm will surely know some of what los productos agricolas de latinoamerica have to offer.