In the United States, 4.1 million illnesses and injuries start in the same place every day.
Where are all of these sicknesses and nonfatal injuries coming from? The answer is work. So what can you do to lower that number and stay safe at work?
Know Where You Are Most At Risk
Before calling injury attorneys to file a personal injury accident claim, nip work related injuries in the bud. One way of doing that is knowing where they are most likely to happen.
Lower back pain is the most common type of work related injury. Most workers hurt their lower back while lifting so take extra care when lifting heavy materials and always lift with your knees.
Know the Different Types of Workplace Injuries
Personal injury damages, in the office or workplace, take two forms. These forms are traumatic and repetitive overuse.
The difference is pretty straightforward. Falling and hurting your ankle is traumatic, while conditions with long term effects like carpal tunnel syndrome occur from repetitive overuse.
Know When to Hire an Injury Attorney
The National Safety Council reveals that there are 25,000 separate trips, falls, and slips in the workplace every day. Most alarmingly, statistics show that up to 13 work related injuries will result in death each and every day.
If your safety was comprised at work, hiring injury attorneys or injury lawyers to help is an important step. These lawyers will help you make your case, protect your legal rights, and get you compensation.
i’m all for this kind of system being put into place, for someone who truly deserves it. i know a lot of people who take advantage of work laws and are always out with some kind of debilitating injury, people like that make me question it.
i’m all for this kind of system being put into place, for someone who truly deserves it. i know a lot of people who take advantage of work laws and are always out with some kind of debilitating injury, people like that make me question it.
i’m all for this kind of system being put into place, for someone who truly deserves it. i know a lot of people who take advantage of work laws and are always out with some kind of debilitating injury, people like that make me question it.
i’m all for this kind of system being put into place, for someone who truly deserves it. i know a lot of people who take advantage of work laws and are always out with some kind of debilitating injury, people like that make me question it.