Everyone knows that Facebook is the perfect online venue for keeping up with friends and posting pictures of cats, but did you know that Facebook can also be used to help your business? Nowadays many businesses use social media to stay in touch with clients and customers as well as grow their branding online through organic social media links.
Most SEO services providers and professional web development companies incorporate social media services in their everyday practices, but some companies have gone so far as to become purely Facebook marketing companies. Over half of a survey of small businesses admitted that their social media marketing skills could use some help. So Facebook marketing companies are more than happy to help.
Traditional online advertising tactics are falling short. Within the 25 to 34 year old crowd almost 85 percent have stopped visiting what used to be a favorite or preferred site due to irrelevant or intrusive advertising. Savvy consumers are more often getting their marketing information from friends and coworkers through social media. In fact, one in five Facebookers purchase a product based on either a social media ad or the comment of a friend.
So what can Facebook marketing companies do for your business? At the very least they can show you how best to maximize your social media usage, like making sure your page has the most relevant information such as your address, your hours of operation, and photos of your business or employees. From there the sky is the limit. Post every day or once or twice a week, just to get a feel for the business side of Facebook. But rest assured, there are Facebook marketing companies out there who will have your back.
I have to admit, I trust Facebook ads more than any popup ad I’ve seen on some other site. Maybe because the Facebook ads seem a little more targeted, and less likely to waste my time.
I think it’s a little unnerving when Facebook offers me an ad about something I just commented to a friend about.
I think it’s a little unnerving when Facebook offers me an ad about something I just commented to a friend about.
I think it’s a little unnerving when Facebook offers me an ad about something I just commented to a friend about.
I think it’s a little unnerving when Facebook offers me an ad about something I just commented to a friend about.
I think it’s a little unnerving when Facebook offers me an ad about something I just commented to a friend about.
I think it’s a little unnerving when Facebook offers me an ad about something I just commented to a friend about.