If your basement leaks when it rains, you could be facing serious issues from the resulting water damage. The presence of water in your basement may inevitably lead to the growth of mold and mildew if the environment stays damp. Besides fixing basement leaks, if left unchecked for too long, you may face the need for foundation repairs as well. Fortunately you can find a good basement waterproofing company with some preliminary research.
You may want to start by asking for referrals from your friends and colleagues, especially if they have gone through water proofing a basement recently. Sometimes other home owners in your neighborhood can be a good resource too, since their homes may be of a similar age and design; meaning they need water proofing solutions too. Otherwise, you can find reviews and recommendations for basement waterproofing companies from previous clients on various third party review sites.
With a little research, you can find the most credible review sites that take a close look at the companies that specialize in waterproofing and foundation sealing. There may be both industry sponsored and consumer driven websites that can provide insights into various foundation repair and waterproofing companies. Whether you need to be fixing leaks in basement walls or repairing a cracked foundation, reading previous client reviews can help you rate the different basement waterproofing companies.
When you have narrowed down your list of good companies, schedule initial consultations to understand the options you have for moving forward and what their advice might be for assistance. As with any major undertaking, you should get several opinions to fully understand the implications and timeline for their assistance. If you are facing a tight timeline, those discussions can be some of the most effective ways to get the ball rolling.
Finally, as you begin to finalize your decision on the best waterproofing companies for your situation, make sure you provide enough information so that they can diagnose it in a timely manner. Whether you are looking at sealing cracks or completely waterproofing your basement, there will undoubtedly be a good solution for you. They will be able to coach you through the process, but being proactive can help your situation go as smoothly as possible when looking for solutions when your basement leaks when it rains.