How to Modernize an Old House – Home Decor Online

AC units are not just loud, they’re also uncomfortable, and the compressor is also always turning on and off. Central air systems of today do not require installation inside older homes.

The modern advancements made in HVAC technology has meant that ductless HVAC systems are ideal for historic and older homes. One option is mini-split HVAC. Every room is equipped with the wall-mounted unit for cooling that connects to an external fans and compressor. They could be placed in hidden spots that don’t affect the appearance and atmosphere of your room They don’t require massive changes. In contrast, High-velocity HVAC systems make use of very thin ducts (tubes) and tiny vents of just a few inches wide to convey air inside a space. The ducts can be easily placed into walls as they’re slim.

An AC inspection may reveal that the home you live in isn’t required to make any major repair. Retrofitting an existing heating unit could be an option. If you already are heating your home with central and cooling, it could be possible to run your air conditioning system through the same ductwork. But ensure you have the ability to repair or close off your current unit in the event that it’s outdated.

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