In the United States, 90% of the population suffers from headaches, and about 10% of the population actually struggles with that pain chronically. When one strikes, your first impulse might be to take a few aspirin and lie down, but that kind of treatment neglects to fix what started the pain in the first place, or stop you from experiencing them again in the future. You may not ever be able to go indefinitely without a headache, but here are three ways that you can try to prevent them.
Visit Your Chiropractor
The best chiropractor practices are not only skilled in administering treatment for back pain, but they will be able to tell if your headaches are actually related to some spinal misalignment. Poor posture as a result of low back strain can even lead to taxed neck muscles, but physical therapy can help to correct those problems, improving mobility, and resulting in fewer headaches.
Try to Relax
Ask your chiropractor for any treatments that they could use in conjunction with physical therapy to help relieve tension in your body. They may be able to offer massage therapy, or give you a few tips for relaxation exercises that you can do at home. Stress and tension are common culprits when it comes to that pounding pain in your head, so anything that you can do to take a minute, breathe, and relax, will likely help to prevent future pain.
Find Your Triggers and Eliminate Them
The source of a headache is very often what you do, or do not, consume. For example, salty or highly preserved foods can trigger pain, as can alcohol, soda, or caffeine. On the flip side, a sudden withdrawal of those stimulants can also spur a headache. Dehydration and failing to eat full meals are other potential causes. Personally, I discovered that I would get a raging migraine every time I had a certain passion fruit iced tea from a certain large coffee chain. Finding out what your triggers may be is an excellent way to work towards prevention.
Following these three preventative measures should help to cut down on the number of headaches you experience. However, in the meantime, if you need a treatment for headaches, then your best bet is to discuss pain management options with your doctor. Headaches can have a root in the need for chiropractic care, or they could be a symptom of a more serious condition. When preventative measures don’t work, then it’s important to seek qualified medical advice. Good references here.