The process of filing for divorce can often be quite long and involve more difficulties than one may anticipate. Many legal matters that are involved in the process are complicated and can only be handled by professionals and experts. In the city of Phoenix, Arizona, those who are planning to file for divorce can find a divorce attorney from a family law firm to assist with the process.
In the time of Aristotle, the prime of life was set at 37 years for men and 18 years for women. Later, in the 7th century, the Visigothic Code of Law the prime of life for both men and women was placed at 20 years, after which both were presumably married. In recent research of a large national sample, 86 percent of people who claimed to be unhappily married in the late 1980s that stayed with the marriage indicated that they were happier when interviewed five years later.
After being married, the loss of standard of living for women was 27 percent, while the gain of standard of living for men was 10 percent. Those who are trying to find a divorce attorney for men or women in Phoenix, Arizona may already be familiar with the process because although some who remarry after divorce have successful subsequent marriages, the divorce rate of remarriages is actually higher than that of first marriages. Phoenix law firms with Arizona divorce attorneys may also often be sought by individuals who are children of divorce, seeing as how they have a statistically higher rate of divorce than people who come from intact families. For those who will need legal assistance for an upcoming divorce, the Phoenix, Arizona divorce lawyers can help. To see more, read this.
my parents were divorced so apparently that means i have a much greater chance of getting divorced some day?
my parents were divorced so apparently that means i have a much greater chance of getting divorced some day?