One look at the world news and one thing is clear — if you live in the United States you are lucky. Even though it’s been written about and discussed by the media, educators, and cultural critics ad nauseum, but it’s worth mentioning again. The typical American takes so many things for granted that it’s actually embarrassing when you listen to all of the whining and complaining.
This isn’t to put down the United States or it’s citizens, it’s merely reiterating how well off Americans, as a collective, really are. One of the greatest things about being American is the freedom to work your way from poor to well-off. Although everyone needs a little help along the way, whether it be your parents, a teacher, a family connection, or a friend, the point is that everyone has the opportunity to live the American Dream.
If you were to stand in the middle of Times Square and ask a random sample of 100 people about their visions of the American Dream, you would be hard-pressed to find a single person who doesn’t mention owning their own custom luxury homes. Even if the top answer were “getting rich,” a big reason people want to acquire monetary wealth is to fund custom home construction.
Since the first Europeans settled in North American several centuries ago, constructing their own custom build homes has always been a fundamental part of their visions. Of course, during colonial times those visions probably consisted of custom build log homes, but even today log home builders are still in high demand.
When it comes to modern log homes, there is no better setting than Bozeman, Montana. Bozeman is set against the backdrop of the majestic Rocky Mountains, and as the home of Montana State University, it is a bustling college town with an expanding technology industry. As such, it offers beauty, education, and jobs.
The biggest advantage of custom home construction is being able to live in a home that is designed to your specifications. When you combine that with the idealistic setting of Bozeman, Montana, what is a better American Dream than that?
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