Did you know that the ancient Mbaya Indians of the Gran Chaco in South America believed that humans originally lived underground until dogs dug them up? Dogs really are fascinating and amazing creatures. They can smell about 1,000 times better than humans; while humans have 5 million smell detecting cells, dogs have more than 220 million. Furthermore, dogs know their owners by their smell, whether or not they’re showered and have used scent, or they are just back from the gym. Dogs are also very astute; 80 percent of all dog owners report that their dog can sense their mood.
In today’s world, dogs are very often incredibly important parts of our families; many of us cherish our dogs as beloved pets, loving them just as much as human family members. To ensure that your dog lives a long and healthy life there are several things you will want to keep in mind. First of all, regular visits to the vet are absolutely essential. Furthermore, regular exercise and a healthy diet are also essential.
You will want to pay special attention to your dog’s diet. You will want to feed them a healthy dog foods, but keep in mind you should also be cognizant of the dog treats you are feeding your pet. Healthy dog treats are very important. In regards to healthy dog treats, there are several options to consider. You might want to consider gluten free dog treats, also known as wheat free dog treats. These gluten free dog treats are especially ideal for dogs with gluten allergies or gluten sensitivities; gluten free dog treats can be a great option.
When looking into healthy treats for your pet, you may want to specifically consider dog treats made in USA. There are many benefits to dog treats made in USA. Dog treats made in USA don’t contain foreign ingredients and therefore these dog treats made in USA can be healthier and safer than foreign import dog treats. Also keep in mind that while you can of course purchase healthy treats, you might also consider looking into homemade dog biscuits or homemade dog treats. If you are looking for information on homemade dog biscuits or wondering how to make dog treats you may want to do some research online as there are a variety of different recipes for easy dog treats. Overall, feeding your dog right is important; you want him or her to live a long and happy life. If your dog has gluten allergy, make sure you feed him or her gluten free dog treats. Overall, make sure you are feeding your dog healthy treats, whether they are gluten free dog treats, dog treats made in USA, or homemade dog treats.
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