You are on your way to building a top web marketing company. You have a highly creative team of web designers all constantly pushing themselves to churn out eye-catching layout options. Your SEO content writers consistently produce engaging, relevant and inventive copy. Your social media team presence is ubiquitous and always responsive to your audience.
So what could you possibly be missing? Oh yeah, of course: clients. To get to the top, you have to win your way there through effective lead generation. Then, when it comes to the moment of decision, you have to win over your potential clients with a good SEO proposal example. Here are five tips to keep in mind as you build the best SEO proposal example you possibly can.
1. All hail the king.
Search engines account for nearly half of all external web traffic for content sites. In fact, around 40 percent of all web traffic begins with searches, and about nine out of every 10 web users will start off their online experiences with searches. An effective Seo proposal sample includes these stats to show potential clients how search marketing can help keep them relevant in the digital age.
2. Their business is your business.
Being flashy and attention-grabbing is part of what can transform an ordinary pitch into a memorable one. But in addition to your sparkly slideshows and clever delivery, you have to show your prospective clients exactly what you can do for them. Any good SEO proposal example contains the measurable goals and deliverables of the kind of SEO campaigns you would run. They need to know that you can deliver.
3. Get modern; go organic.
Organic foods are all the buzz in supermarkets these days. In much the same way, organic search results are strongly preferred by users over paid advertisements. Users like to think that clicking on a site is their idea, and SEO provides them this opportunity for discovery. Organic results appear in a search because of their relevancy to the search terms, and any good SEO proposal example needs to show how your methods can yield these kinds of results.
4. Prices, people.
Much like other helpful services, SEO campaigns can range in price based on the amount of work being done for the client. In your SEO proposal example, you should provide your prospective clients with a solid list of pricing levels, but not too many. You never want to overwhelm them. In addition, you can demonstrate the kinds of SEO tools you will use to help meet the client demands by showing off the SEO proposal software during the pitch.
5. Localized content.
The growing importance of local SEO content must also be addressed in your good SEO proposal example. Local SEO uses a series of strategically chosen geo-targeted keywords to help increase the visibility of business in a local area. While the web is a vast-reaching interconnected network, a large number of users still use it to find local businesses. This is how local SEO can help.
Now you know the five key aspects to include in your SEO pitch. Remember: practice makes perfect. Go over your SEO proposal example numerous times to get your new clients hooked on your services. See you at the top of the search page.